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Key Vision
About Us

As of May 2021, Taiwan already has 35 Biobanks being approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
Through the cooperation of all biobanks in Taiwan, with uniform quality standards and clinical data content, a large and comprehensive human biobank network can be quickly established. Under such design, National Biobank Consortium of Taiwan (NBCT) was established through the fund support and governance from the government. All Alliance will follow the same SOP for the biomaterial collection and have the same quality of the biosample when submitted to the applicants.

Application Process
Application Process Application Process:Submit to Central Office of NBCT →Administration check up →Inform the Applicant to submit →The Central Office will search for the suitable samples among the consortium members →Review the applications by the NBCT Review Committee →Inform the recommendation of the NBCT Review Committee to the suitable consortium members →Inform the Application of the decision
Popular Science


For the health of you and the next generation, welcome to join the human biodata database. As long as you are between 30 and 70 years old, people of nationality, no foreign descent, and no cancer can participate. If you have If you are willing to participate, you can contact our partner organization, sign a consent form, conduct a physical examination, collect samples (blood and urine, etc.), and fill out a questionnaire to contribute to biomedical research and promote healthy development.

Academia SinicaBureau of Public Health,T...Cathay General HospitalChang Gung Memorial Hospi...Changhua Christian Hospit...Chi Mei Medical CenterChiayi Chang Gung Memoria...China Medical University ...Chung Shan Medical Univer...Dalin Tzu Chi HospitalDitmanson Medical Foundat...E-DA HospitalFar Easrern Memorial Hosp...Hualien Tzu Chi HospitalKaohsiung Chang Gung Memo...Kaohsiung Medical Univers...Kaohsiung Veterans Genera...Keelung Chang Gung Memori...Landseed International Ho...Lotung Poh-Ai HospitalMacKay Memorial HospitalMJ Health Research Founda...National Cheng Kung Unive...National Health Research ...National Taiwan Universit...National Taiwan Universit...Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memori...Taichung Tzu Chi HospitalTaichung Veterans General...Taipei City HospitalTaipei Medical UniversityTaipei Tzu Chi HospitalTaipei Veterans General H...Taiwan Brain Bank at Nati...Taoyuan General Hospital,...Tri-Service General Hospi...Tungs