The NTUH Biospecimen Bank was established in 2012 with the aim to collect and store biospecimens of the top 10 cancers in Taiwan. At the early stage, we focused on the paired cancerous and normal snap frozen tissue samples. To keep in line with the needs from diverse researchers, we gradually expand our comprehensive collectives to cover blood samples, urine samples and tissues of less common tumor types. Blood samples and placenta from patients with eclampsia and frozen tumor tissues of skin cancers, soft tissue tumors, thyroid cancers, pituitary adenomas, meningiomas and brain tumors are examples of our continuously growing tissue library. In addition, archived formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded surgical specimens can be included in our biorepository with signed informed consents of the latest version. That’s an alternative way how we accommodate the increasing need for lung, pancreatic, colorectal and urological cancer specimens in the advancement of diagnostics and recision medicine.
Quality assurance is very important in sample collection and preservation so that validated samples and data sets are offered to researchers. We utilize back-up power systems, 24-hour monitoring of the storage facility, regular system checks and microscopic examination for selective frozen tissues to ensure the specimen integrity. Serum, plasma, frozen tissues, paraffin sections, DNA and RNA samples are available to researchers on an application basis. Updated information of sample types and quantities in our biobank can be found at the website of National Biobank Consortium of Taiwan. Our team is also ready to help researchers in locating the right specimens or biomaterials.
For security controls, the NTUH Biospecimen Bank Ethics Committee is responsible for the review of application proposals and for supervision of the data sharing to ensure donor privacy. The primary function of the NTUH Biospecimen Bank Supervisory Committee is to monitor the consistent biobank operation. Status of sample collection, handling, retrieval, transfer and disposal are reported periodically at the meetings of NTUH Biospecimen Bank Core Laboratory to ensure that quality control principles and SOPs are strictly followed.